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Discover Ancient Shamanic Practices from Diverse Traditions to Apply to Your Daily Life & Our World!

FREE ONLINE EVENT July 25-27, 2017

Featured Speakers: (click photo to learn more)

Sandra Ingerman

Dr. Malidoma Somé

Brooke Medicine Eagle

Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq

HeatherAsh Amara

don Oscar Miro-Quesada

Mandaza Kandemwa

Lena Stevens

José Luis Stevens

Nonty Charity Sabic

Bhola Nath Banstola

Itzhak Beery

Nicki Scully

Mallku Aribalo

Luzclara Camus

Stanley Chagala

One White Horse Standing

John Lockley

Lewis Mehl-Madrona

Evelyn C. Rysdyk

Fredy Quispe Singona (Puma)

Alonso del Río

Imelda Almqvist

Sergio Magana

With Host:

Michael Stone Host of KVMR's Conversations with Michael Stone

Shamanism, rooted in centuries-long traditions, has returned as one of the great spiritual systems for awakening, healing and transformation... and the timing could not be more critical.

Modern shamanism provides a pathway of sacred, practical action — allowing you to build inner resources and access guidance to become a positive and effective agent of change.

It can also help you cultivate spiritual alignment, abundance and love in your life and a natural sense of deep interconnection with all the world — seen and unseen.

In short, shamanism can bring you home to your highest self and assist all of humanity with transcending self-defeating patterns, and foster a soul-aligned way of living on Mother Earth that truly benefits all.

Shamanism is not only the most ancient spiritual practice on Earth — it has served as a framework of living for individuals and communities globally for tens of thousands of years; it’s also one of the most diverse.

For example, the practices of a Siberian shaman and an Amazonian shaman can be radically different, although they may have emerged out of shared core principles and practices that are truly universal.

This diversity is one of the most exciting and fascinating aspects of this ancient yet expanding field: there are somany gateways into deeper relationships with plants, animals, human beings and other levels of consciousness.

Some shamans work with guardian beings and subtle realms; others use sound technologies (like didgeridoos). Some are immersed in visioning, dreaming and journeying for guidance and healing, while others emphasize the power of communal ritual. Some access healing through plant medicines, while others have relationships with plants that focus more on offering herbal remedies for disease.

Whatever your core passion and path, The Shamanism Global Summit will give you access to some of today’s most profound teachers and healers who are sharing not only traditional Indigenous practices, but also a new wave of teachings that integrate time-honored wisdom with more contemporary psychology and spiritual systems.

Register — at no charge — to join these global visionaries who are sharing ancient shamanic practices from diverse traditions, and learn how to apply their teachings to your daily life and our world.


Access Invisible Worlds for Healing, Illumination & Service

Whether you’re new to shamanism or an experienced initiate who wants to expand the power and effectiveness of these practices in your life, the esteemed presenters in this gathering are sharing on subjects that can deeply transform your life and greatly shift your interplay with the universe.

They will share vital information that can help you:

  • Deepen your connection with the web of life

  • Shapeshift your story & transform our world

  • Embrace your feminine & masculine energies

  • Discover the power of embodied shamanism

  • Draw guidance & healing from the invisible world

Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you...

Sandra Ingerman will enlighten you on how shamanism has the power to heal personal and planetary illnesses— and how we must stand strong together to perform global ceremonies for personal and planetary healing.

Dr. Malidoma Somé will speak to ancestral wisdom and Indigenous African spirit technologies… and the Indigenous capacity to assert itself with dignity in the face of modern challenges.

Brooke Medicine Eagle will offer empowering wisdom on how to use the magic of your physical body to achieve transformation... whether moving toward excellence or recovering from extraordinary trauma and challenges.

don Oscar Miro-Quesada will highlight the role that shamanism will play in transforming the future of humanity — by reclaiming the presence of soul consciousness in our lives.

HeatherAsh Amara will share how you can use ancient shamanic wisdom to open your heart to more love and unconditional acceptance.

Itzhak Beery will address our society’s public health crisis, and how millions of people are combining shamanic healing and modern medicine to create a new model of healthcare.

Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq will focus on the teachings and wisdom of his Elders from the Far North, which summon us to bridge the distance from our minds to our hearts to create personal transformation and global healing — to create an incredibly beautiful future.

José Stevens & Lena Stevens will reveal the essential keys for taking a shamanic pilgrimage — including destinations, preparation, permission, offerings, proper protocols, care and protection.

This series is appropriate for people of any faith or spiritual path. Shamanism’s methodology of accessing spiritual dimensions for healing, illumination and service can be compatible with any belief system.

Join below to experience the many potent layers of these practical, ancient teachings that can help anyone powerfully navigate the complexities and challenges of the modern world... including YOU!


Experience a Multidimensional Universe of Possibilities

You’ll discover how to shift limiting beliefs, journey into higher realms for guidance and increase your capacity to heal your body or transform troubled relationships from the speakers in The Shamanism Global Summit representing many diverse traditions.

Shamanic practices can support you in clarifying your vision, releasing your past traumas and creating sacred circles in every area of your life. The sessions can help you dispel negativity, interpret dreams and even communicate with those in other realms.

You’ll discover how connecting with this sacred wisdom can offer medicine for your body and spirit and guide you in aligning your life’s path with your soul’s purpose.

With this unparalleled 3-day gathering, you’ll discover:

  • A new kind of activism that emerges from open hearts & open perception

  • How to find empowerment through shamanic pilgrimages

  • That shamanic healing is truly traditional medicine for the modern world

  • Heart-deepening experiences of visionary and practical shamanic ritual guidance applicable to personal & planetary transformation

  • How to draw on the invisible world for guidance and healing

  • Ways to tap into your unexpressed creative & intuitive power

  • An understanding of how shamanism was practiced in ancient Egypt

  • Practical tools for healing negative feelings & toxic thoughts

  • Your role as a co-creator with the Earth, the elements & the spirit world — accelerating the conscious evolution of our planet

  • How to access the subtle realms of consciousness (the upper & lower worlds) with guidance from allies there

  • A deeper sense of presence and reverence for the natural world — including plants, animals & Gaia herself

Join this life-changing event to experience a more multidimensional universe of possibilities — and discover deeper states of unity, sacred connection and the full potential that’s available to you.




Shamanism Global Summit 2017: Practical Wisdom to Access Guidance, Healing & Power for Sacred Living

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